What is a KOSMOSPORTS™ ?
Our passion for sports is combined with our technologically advanced innovations to create a universal environment for sports players to thrive. KOSMOSPORTS™ is a global infrastructure and network with blockchain based technology that provides secure storage and a Player Information eXchange (PIX) for player analytics. KOSMOSPORTS™ core function is to enable transactions, secure digital player information and provide authenticity of users and participants. KOSMOSPORTS™ acts as a localised player analytical data storage for sharing player information with organisations, clubs, coaches, scouts and family members.
What problems is KOSMOSPORTS™ solving?
KOSMOSPORTS™ is build on a global multi-blockchain ecosystem and utilises Quantum technology to collect, store and securely protect local sports player data. This process will provide the player and other interested parties (managers, coaches, teams, clubs, scouts etc ) with information and transactions specifically for the individual player. The smart contracts ensure safe, secure and timely execution of player data transactional requirements while the tokens provide a tokenised utility for internal network transactions.
What is KOSMEUM?
KOSMOSPORTS™ utilises the KOSMEUM multi-blockchain ecosystem to gain access to the digital KOSMOSPORTS™ Player Information eXchange (PIX). Its core function is to enable transactions, secure digital player information and provide authenticity of clubs, coaches, scouts, partners, users, and family members.
What is PIX?
KOSMOSPORTS™ has created a new innovative tool, the Player Information eXchange (PIX), to collect, store and distribute digital player information and to also provide authenticity of clubs, coaches, scouts, partners, users, and family members.
What is multi-blockchain?
Multi-blockchain technology will revolutionise the blockchain ecosystem by providing purpose built functionality that is tuned to the specific operations it is intended for. KOSMEUM will launch with three blockchains one for each function type. One of theses blockchains shall be dedicated to the KOSMOSPORTS™ environment and provide core blockchain functionality with unique KOSMOSPORTS™ functional characteristics.
How does KOSMEUM operate?
KOSMEUM will create a global blockchain-based network and operate via global 'Certified Player Partners' (CPP) who will interface with potential users, clubs, coaches or scouts. KOSMEUM shall provide educational services to ensure that each CPP attains a level of competence to enter details into the network via the Partner Portal. These entries form the basis of smart contracts for inclusion into the blockchains.
Is KOSMOSPORTS™ a sporting Academy?
No. KOSMOSPORTS™ does not function as a sporting Academy but rather creates the digital data tools required by any sporting Academy. KOSMOSPORTS™ utilises the KOSMEUM multi-blockchain technology platform to create and activate the required processes and facilitates the player information gathering, securing and availability to authorised network users. KOSMOSPORTS™ is a player information storage service.
Can I write a smart contract myself?
No. Only a fully trained Certified Player Partner (CPP) can access the KOSMOSPORTS™ partner portal to create and process smart contracts for inclusion into the blockchain.
Why do partners require certification?
Certified Player Partners (CPP) are highly trained to create and process smart contracts that facilitate a KOSMOSPORTS™ Player Information eXchange (PIX) transactions within the blockchain technology.
How do I get a smart contract?
You must visit any local Certified Player Partner (CPP) who is trained to assist in the creation of a smart contract.
Why are keys so important?
In order to ensure that the source of any transaction is legitimate and that hackers cannot steal player information data, advanced cryptographic techniques with public and private keys are used.